-1960 American U-2 spy
plane shot down over Russia; Cold War escalates -1961 John F Kennedy (an author) became US President. First President to really use the media effectively. -1962 "Bay of Pigs" disaster. -1962 later handled the "Cuban Missle Crisis" backing Russia down -1961 first "White House Conference on Aging" -1963, November assasination of JFK, Lydon B Johnson (a teacher) became US President -1963 Martin Luther King Jr assasinated -1963 Congress passes "Tonkin Resolution" increasing US involvement in Viet Nam -1965 major wave of race riots begin in Wattts, Los Angeles -1965 "War on Poverty" as part of LBJ's "Great Society" -1965 Social Security is amended to include new health coverages (Medicare & Medicaid) -1965 "Older American's Act passed to provide for social services (like Senior Citizen Centers) for those 65+ years old. -1968 the "Great Society" looses favor as costs of Viet Nam War increase -1968 "Tet Offensive" in Viet Nam escalates the war -1968 assasination of Robert F Kenndy (JFK's brother) who was running for US President -1969 Richard M Nixon became US President & begins to dismantle the "Great Society" -1969 US forces in Viet Nam peak at 540,000 -1969 250,00 march against US involvement in Viet Nam |
-1962 NASA uses the first satellite to relay TV -1963 invention of the tape recorder |
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