-1940 in the USA the first
peace-time draft -1941 "Lend-Lease Act" allows Britain to benefitfrom US Industry in WWII -1941, December 7th, attack on Pearl Harbor draws US into the war -1942 Japanese-Americans are moved to "resettlement camps" -1942 US defeats Japanese fleet at the battle of Midway -1944 Allied Invasion of Normandy -1945, 12 April, Roosevelt dies while still in office -1945 Harry S Turman became US President -1945, May Germany surrenders -1945 August 6th & 9th, A-Bombs dropped in Japan -1945, August 14, Japan surrenders -1945 "Yalta Peace Accord" also brings on the "Cold War" -1947-50 US "Marshall Plan" sends $12 billion to Western Europe -1948 Russia overthrew the democratic government of Czechoslovakia -1948 Berlin blockade. Massive US airlift to supply Berlin -1949 Russia succeeds in building their first A-bomb |
-1942 Investion of the
atomic reactor -1945, July 16, US first test of A-bomb in New Mexico -1947 transitors invented -1947 first super-sonic airplane |
The Turn of the Century
1910 to 1919
1920 to 1929
1930 to 1939
1940 to 1949
1950 to 1959
1960 to 1969
1970 to 1979
1980 to 1989
1990 to 1999