-End of the 1929 STOCK MARKET Crash: The Great Depression begins -1930 Prohibition ends -1930s now less than 1 in 20 children work for wages, down from 1900s 1 in 5 -1930s saw a large increase in city population densities -1933 Federal Emergency Relief Administration and the National Recovery Act provided employment through public works (including the "CCC") -1933 Franklin D. Roosevelt (a lawyer) becomes US President -Hilter is appointed Chancellor in Germany -1935 National Labors Relations Act ("Wagner Act") encourages labor union movement -1935 part of Roosevelt's "New Deal" Social Security Act -1936 strong resistance to the "New Deal" since little progess actually occurred -1938 Hitler announces his drive to consolidate all "German People" and the invasion of Austria begins -1935, 1936, 1937, & 1939 US Neutrality Acts -1939 still 17% unemployment in the USA |
-1930 almost 2/3rds of USA farms have cars or trucks & half had telephones. 4 of 5 Americans now live within one hour's drive to a "big city" (population 25,000+) -1930 Jet aircraft engine invented -1931 Empire State Building opens -1930-42 mechanical cotton-picker invented -1939 US mathematician invents the computer |