-1901-1917 "The
Progessive Era" Though not a coherent, unified movement, it resulted
from the need for reform after the 1893-96 depression
-1911 National
Urban League on Conditions
-1912 US Childrens' Bureau Act
-1913 US
saw an internal "red scare" with domestic bombings. Labor unrest.
-1913 17th Amendment to US Constitution. Allows popular election of
US Senators
-1913 Woodrow Wilson became President. He ordered racial
segregation in federal agencies and created the Federal Reserve
1917 he started his second term
-1916 Federal Income Tax
becomes mandatory and permanent.
-1916 Child Labor Act passed
US declares war on Germany
-1917 Illinios had a very bloody racial
-1918 President Wildson's 14 Points for Peace and the
League of Nations
-1919 18th Amendment to US Constitution: