The Turn of the Century 1900-1909

-Business: 1897-1904, 4,227 firms merged into 257 corporate combinations

-1901 Following the assasination of President William McKinley, a relatively young (43) Theodore Roosevelt became President

-Typical work week: 10 hours per day, 6 days per week

-1909 William Howard Taft becomes President. Stopped many of the reforms that Teddy had started


-1900 Invention of the escalator

-1902 Invention of air conditioning

-1903 Wright Brothers' first flight

-1903 First silent motion picture to tell a story: "The Great Train Robbery"

-1904-07 Invention of the radio vacuum tube

-1907 First working helicopter

-1908 Ford introduces the "Model T," the first mass-production car -

The Turn of the Century
1910 to 1919
1920 to 1929
1930 to 1939
1940 to 1949
1950 to 1959
1960 to 1969
1970 to 1979
1980 to 1989
1990 to 1999